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Data back-up, it’s not only important for businesses.

Many of you have seen or heard something about businesses needing to back-up their files. This does not have to be only for businesses it can be for home as well. Have you ever stressed out about losing your photos or documents when your computer suddenly powers off?  

Well don’t, there is an at home back-up solution to suit everyone. Rather than have multiple portable hard drives or USB’s lying around the house that you then have to find and plug in to begin the back up, you can set up an automated system that everyone in the house can connect to. Have a talk with your local IT solutions centre about Network Automated Storage (NAS).  

These devices can be setup to automatically back up the data on your computer/s, however often you would like. The storage device will sit with your router in one place, never moved and never lost. Store all of your photos, videos and documents in the one place safe and sound in your home. 

No longer will you be caught out and say ‘wish I had remembered to back-up!’ 

EOFY – this is your reminder to do your annual back-up everyone. 


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