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Don’t get caught out!

As you all would have heard by now, the government has introduced some new tax incentives for small businesses. 

All the major retailers are focusing their marketing campaigns towards it and trying to get you to spend money because you can claim it. 

I want to warn you not to get caught up in buying things for the sake of buying things and claiming them.  You need to take a step back and assess what it is you really need.  How will your business best benefit from purchasing new assets?   

Too many times we see business’s panic towards the end of the financial year and purchase IT equipment that they really didn’t need or weren’t quite the right thing for their setup. 

So I recommend that you take a look at your IT needs.  Do you have any old computers or printers still running your business?  Have you implemented a safe and secure backup plan? Is it time to implement a server? Is your software up to date? Do your systems integrate? 

Have a think about how this new incentive from the government will really help you.  Your business can really benefit over the long term if you invest wisely. Don’t hesitate to contact your local IT Solutions Centre where they can arrange an onsite meeting with one of their experienced Technicians.   

Don’t just benefit financially, but productively as well. 


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