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Backups - On site vs Offsite

We all know the importance of backing up your data from your multitude of electronic devices you own. YOU are the person responsible for this NOT your computers, phones or tablets. 

With the growing demand on storing your accumulated electronic files so is the development of new options available to make this easier for you. 

So what are the options available to you at the moment: 

Onsite backups: 

This is where you store a copy of your files to a device on location.  Whether you plug in an external hard drive, USB or burn a DVD, some of you may even have a server you can back up to. Onsite storage does have limitations though, these being: 

  • Limited storage space on external device 

  • Wear and tear of external device 

  • Access to your data limited to having the external device on hand 

  • Potential damage to the device in the event of a fire, flood or even theft 

Offsite backups: 

This is where you upload a copy of your files to an external server through the internet. You may recognise this as “Cloud Storage”. Cloud storage allows you to access your files anywhere anytime and not restricting you to one set device. The offsite servers are run by companies that have multiple data centres with multiple servers, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. Offsite storage also has some limitations as well, these being: 

  • Disruption to the internet not allowing access to your files 

  • Upload and download speeds may hinder your process 

  • File size limitations 

  • Costs associated with data limits 

Ultimately there is no right or wrong way to store your data it does come down to personal preference. But you should ensure that you have at least one of these in place to avoid any tears and tantrums. Businesses in particular should have in place a Disaster Recovery Plan to avoid and unforeseen down time due to insufficient backups.


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