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#hashtag Do you know what this is and how it can help you?

I’m sure a lot of you have been hearing or seeing “hashtag”, but what is it?  

‘Hash tag’ is a term used widely in the internet world at the moment. You also hear it on the radio, in songs and see it in online news. So what is a hash tag?  

Well simply it is a ‘#’ or shift 3 on your keyboard. The context of which it is used in this instance signals a topic, place or person that is currently trending or is of interest to the poster at the time. For example #theweekenderherald, we are talking here about The Weekender Herald. When this hashtag appears on your social media news feed you are able to click on it and see everyone who has used the exact same hashtag and what they are discussing at the time of its use.  

Twitter used this form of communication very well to begin with as Twitter only allows 140 characters per message. Facebook also has the hashtag feature although it is not as widely used due to the nature of the status updates as Facebook allows an unlimited number of characters.  

So next time you want to talk about something that is currently on the trending list. Hashtag it! You may never know who you may meet with the same trending topic. 

Remember to speak to your local computer store for any issues you may be having with your computer, they are only a phone call away. 


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