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How to back up your android device.

We have written a few times about the importance of backing up your data. But do you know how to back-up your android devices? 

Firstly, you should already have a Google account linked to your device. This is a cloud account (storage in the internet) which provides automatic backups for your device. Some of you may have this setup but have run out of available storage space as you have maxed it out over time with all of your photos.  Don’t worry if this is you, you can alternatively back-up your files onto your computer, a USB or an external hard drive. 

But how I hear your ask……..well it is very simple to do.  

  • Power on your computer and your phone or tablet 

  • Plug your phone or tablet into your computer with your charging USB cable.  

  • If you want to back-up to a USB or external storage drive plug that into your computer as well 

  • Then on Windows, go to ‘My Computer’ or File Explorer icon Image result for file explorer icon and click on the device plugged in and open its storage folder. 

  • Select the files you want to back-up by Right Click with your mouse and select copy 

  • Then select the folder/file location on your computer that you want to back-up the files to - Right Click with your mouse and select paste. 

  • If you have an external device plugged in make sure that you safely remove that device from your PC to ensure you keep the data you have just transferred safe. 

And that’s it! 

It is important that we get in the habit of backing up our data as we shouldn’t take it for granted it will just be there when we wake up every day. With phones and tablets, if you forget your pin and lock yourself out then you run the risk of losing the data on that you haven’t backed up from that device.


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