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Christmas presents

Christmas is just around the corner and if you have not already organised your presents, you may be about to go into panic mode for present buying! 

That doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared. Rather than getting caught up in the moment, a little planning will ensure that you get the right technology solution to work with your existing hardware. 

Before you go shopping, make a list of your equipment – for example your computer, notebook, tablet, printer, TV, modem, internet type etc. 

This way, when you are out and about, you can check with the salesperson if the product will do what you think it will, and if what you are looking at will work with your existing hardware. Even better, you can check beforehand with your local IT store. If they regularly service your computer, they should know what will work with your system, and they should know what will perform best for you. 

Rather than be caught with a new product that might not achieve what you want, having this list with you should allow the local IT store to confirm that it will work with your existing devices. 

If you don't know what product will solve your particular requirements, your local IT store should be able to help determine what the best way is to get the results you require. 

Merry Christmas to all. 


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