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What is an Intel Core i3, i5 and i7?

Intel brand has been around for a very long time and a while back they changed their marketing tact to try to simplify their branding so customers could have a better understanding of tech talk.  However in saying this there are still some people who are puzzled by what each one means and what they stand for. 

These phrases ‘i3, i5 and i7’ are all talking about the same thing, your computers processor. This is essentially the computers brain and ‘thinking speed’. The more you try to multi task the higher processing power and speed you will need. 

For basic at home use with the internet, emails and OfficeWord open at once an i3 processor is suitable. Once you start multi-tasking more, opening more programs at the same time, or using bigger programs such as MYOB, Photoshop or certain games, your computer starts to need the extra power of an i5. The i7 processors are the best of the three, being able to run the very resource hungry programs such as large games, movie editing and graphic design programs.  

Keeping this in mind, an i3 is not going to stand against the time of technological advancements as well as an i7 can. So it is usually worth investing that little extra to have your computer stand against these advancements longer and save you money long term. The average life span of a notebook computer is 1-3 years for this reason. 

If you are unsure as to whether it is time to replace your current computer then ask your local computer store to book it in for a PC check today. They can make recommendations on what processor would work for you going forward.


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