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Ways to control your digital footprint; but wait what is a digital footprint I hear you say?

Your digital foot print is your online trail in the on-line world. Companies and individuals can search your name and trace your Facebook, contact details and potentially more. Go ahead search your own name in google and see what you can find.  
Digital foots prints can be of two different kinds, passive and active. A passive footprint is from collected data without your knowledge, such as the time, date and location. Active is from the details you knowingly enter into websites and social media feeds. Your name, date of birth and phone number. 

So to begin always check the privacy settings before you download, sign-up to or install any applications or websites. Most website have settings that you agree to automatically share something about the account your agreeing to as soon as you accept. 

If you don’t want an account active anymore. There are many websites that you can use to remove your accounts. ( for example). 

You need to understand that as soon as you post something online it is there potentially forever. If you make a hilarious spelling mistake, or post your phone number. Someone will see it and screen shot it to share around.  Be aware of what you are posting and what details you provide to websites and applications. You could be giving out too many details! 

Ultimately if you don’t want the world to know don’t post it publically on the web send a private message.  This way you are in control of that content. Make sure you make it clear to others your view on sharing private information about you or your family. 

Parents might want to check with their children as well, make sure they understand the consequences of their digital footprint. 

As always, if you need more advice, don’t hesitate to contact your local IT professional. 


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