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Why turn to the "Cloud"

Those who haven't grown up with computers as their main tool in life have had a lot to learn over the years. As we grow technology grows two fold, its hard to keep up at times. 

Kids today are growing up with technology and are accummulating data at a young age. They would have minimal written notes as they would have most recorded on their phone, tablet, computer or gaming console. Just think how much we would have recorded in apps like Facebook, Instagram, etc. 

How do we keep track of it all? Well mostly via the internet. Without the internet we wouldn't be able to communicate and easily share our lives online. 

So how does the "Cloud" fit into our lives today. "Cloud" is an online program/app you utilise to store and share data electronically. You don't have to just rely on having the data on the one device anymore, you can safely store it in a server located somewhere other than your computer. You can then access this data from any electronic device (assuming you have correct software to read it eg: excel document requires Excel to open and read the data unless you save as a PDF.) 

Not only can you have ease of access anytime/anywhere you can share your data with others to help work/edit/share with you. You also have added security. How I here you ask....well you are storing your data on a server in the "Cloud" which has multiple layers of protection compared to your personal device which may have one or two layers of protection. You have the backup of their technical experts working around the clock to keep your data locked down and protected. 

Some of you will have already seen this program on your new Windows 10 device as it came pre-installed as part of the new Microsoft operating system, it is called "OneDrive". This program is what allows you to share your data with any PC, Android or Apple devices and can also help you stay organised.  

Don't be afraid to try new ways to stay in touch and keep organised. With the amount of data we are producing it is going to be the easiest and quickest way to share data with family, friends and work collegues. You won't be able to rely on email for ever as they have data cap limits of the size of files you can send already. 

So take a look at "OneDrive" and as always if you have need any help with your computer or not sure what you should do next contact your local computer store to help you out. 


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